Membership Policy


The Club welcomes applications for Membership from all bridge players subject only to their capablity and acceptability to existing members. 

 At its 2019 AGM the Committee proposed and the members approved the following revised membership procedure which is now fully in force:

To become a member of Bawburgh Bridge Club you are required to:


1)    Achieve the playing criteria (see Membership Application Procedure below and also published on the Club Notice Board) before submitting your completed application form. 


2)    Complete and submit your Application form (available from the Club website or on request from an Officer of the Club) together with you application fee £5 (or £3 if submitted between 1 Oct and 31 Dec). 


Your application will then be posted on the Club Notice Board for a period of two weeks for the consideration of existing members. In the unlikely event of an objection being raised the application will be considered by the Club Management Committee and will be Approved, Approved subject to a Probationary period or refused. 


To allow prospective applicants to achieve the qualifying criteria the number of times a Visitor may play in Club sessions will be increased to 10 during a period of 6 months. 


Current Applications in process.


This change will not affect applications currently in process except that if the qualifying criteria are not met by 31 Dec 2019 the application will be cancelled and the application fee refunded. Such applicants will not be disadvantaged in any way should they wish then to start their qualification process afresh. 


bbc membership Application policy (ver 6) may2024

 The procedure is managed on behalf of the Committee by the Membership Secretary who will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the procedure.

Contact details : 

Shirley Giles

mobile 07787 408564 

You can download an application form here


 Please note:

 The Committe may give special consideration to applicants who live in Bawburgh.


The Committee may suspend consideration of new applications if the available facilities and resources available to the club would otherwise be overwhelmed or the quality of the playing experience of members would be impaired.


Should an application be refused an explanation will be normally given although under its Constitution the Club is under no obligation to do so.


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